S3 Temporary File Storage

There is an implementation of the ITemporaryFileStorage interface that uses a S3-compatible storage system to store files (images, video, audio etc.) that are uploaded in the editor. These files are later copied to the permanent content storage once the users save their changes. You can find it at /packages/h5p-mongos3/src/S3TemporaryFileStorage.ts.

Note: You must create the S3 bucket manually before it can be used by S3TemporaryFileStorage! It's also your responsibility to configure the bucket to automatically delete old temporary files after a sensible timespan (e.g. 1 day).


The implementation depends on this npm package:

  • aws-sdk

You must add it manually to your application using npm install aws-sdk!


You must import the storage implementation via a submodule:

import { S3TemporaryFileStorage, initS3 } from '@lumieducation/h5p-mongos3';

or in classic JS style:

const { S3TemporaryFileStorage, initS3 }  = require('@lumieducation/h5p-mongos3');

Initialize the storage implementation like this:

const temporaryStorage = new S3TemporaryFileStorage(
        accessKeyId: 's3accesskey', // optional if env. variable is set
        secretAccessKey: 's3accesssecret', // optional if env. variable is set
        endpoint: '', // optional if env. variable is set
        s3ForcePathStyle: true,
        signatureVersion: 'v4'
    { s3Bucket: 'h5ptemporarybucket' }


  • The function initS3 creates an S3 client using the aws-sdk npm package.

  • You can pass credentials and other configuration values to initS3 and through the function parameters. Alternatively you can use these environment variables instead of using the function parameters:





  • You can change the bucket h5ptemporarybucket to any name you want, but you must specify one. You must create the bucket manually before you can use it.

  • The configuration object passed into initS3 is passed on to aws-sdk, so you can set any custom configuration values you want.

  • To achieve greater configurability, you can decide not to use initS3 or and instantiate the required client yourself.

  • While Amazon S3 supports keys with up to 1024 characters, some other S3 systems such as Minio might only support less in certain situations. To cater for these system you can set the option maxKeyLength to the value you need. It defaults to 1024.

Using S3TemporaryFileStorage in the example

The example Express application can be configured to use the S3 temporary storage by setting the environment variables from above and these additional variables:



An example call would be:

TEMPORARYSTORAGE=s3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioaccesskey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=miniosecret AWS_S3_ENDPOINT="" TEMPORARY_AWS_S3_BUCKET=h5ptemporarybucket npm start

Customizing permissions

By default the storage implementation allows all users read access to all files and every use can create new temporary files! It is very possible that this is not something you want! You can add a function to the options object of the constructor of S3TemporayStorage to customize access restrictions:

    getPermissions: (
        userId: string,
        filename?: string
    ) => Promise<Permission[]>;

The function receives the userId of the user who is trying to access a filename. It must return a list of permissions the user has on the file. Your implementation of this function will probably be an adapter that hooks into your rights and permission system.

Last updated